Thinkific $1 Million Entrepreneur Growth Fund

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O Thinkific Entrepreneur Growth Fund

Keď Covid-19 zasiahol ekonomiku, životaschopnosť malých podnikateľov sa navždy zmenila. Preto vznikol Thinkific $1 Million Entrepreneur Growth Fund. Cieľom fondu je pomáhať podnikateľom rýchlo pivotovať v online priestore, poskytovať kvalitný mentoring a financie potrebné pre reštart alebo začiatok nového online podnikania, ktoré predáva kurzy a tréningy online. 


Vďaka fondu mali digitálni učitelia z celého sveta možnosť spojiť sa s digitálnou marketingovou agentúrou Poď Podnikať academy na diaľku a získať pomoc pri digitalizáciui vzdelávacieho podnikania – poradenstvo, získavanie know-how, podpora k nástrojom, návrh a tvorba online kurzu, tvorba a úprava webu, platená reklama a ďalšie. Fond v čase korona krízy poskytne celkovo 1 milión dolárov pre rozvoj a obnovu ekonomiky online kurzov – rýchla tvorba a predaj kurzov.

Aké bolo zadanie pre nás?

"Pomôžte začínajúcim digitálnym učiteľom vytvoriť a spustiť predaj online kurzu v čase pandemickej krízy."

Realizované služby

Tvorba a úprava online platformy

Nastavujeme vám novú online vzdelávaciu platformu od základov. Silné a výkonné funkcie za nízku cenu.

Tvorba predajných podstránok

Tvoríme firemné predajné podstránky, ktoré konvertujú návštevníkov na platiacich zákazníkov.

Tvorba obsahu online kurzu

Máte veľké množstvo obsahu a neviete ako ho poskladať do online kurzu? Pomôžeme vám vytvoriť online kurz na mieru.

Konzultácia stratégie kurzu

Podnikanie s kurzami má svoje špecifiká. Konzultáciou získate do projektu overenné know- how, ktoré zarába.

Pozrite projekty, ktorým sme pomohli


Hodín mentoringu
Mentorovaní lektori
Predajných podstránok

Čo na to účastníci fondu?

Madelaine Gomes
Madelaine Gomes
Zobraziť viac
Matúš Kopalko gave us excellent guidance and advice regarding our Site on Thinkific. He was always response and available and has an eye for the finer detail that makes a difference and creates a professional site. I would highly recommend Matúš Kopalko.
Thomas Montuori
Thomas Montuori
Zobraziť viac
I learned so much working with Matúš. I was stuck in a slump, trying to develop a class landing page and learning how to use a new platform. Matúš Specifically helped with my course site and content. I learned how to set up my landing page to get the student's interest in the course. I learned how to use content and different media to keep students engaged. Matúš follows through on what he promises and lets you lead on the development, and he keeps in touch and considering we are over 4000-miles apart that is no small feat I'm about to publish my first course. I can honestly say the course Matúš helped me develop will be far superior to anything offered in my field. I can't wait to start working on my next class, and I know it will be just as good if not better thank's to the advice I have received. If you need assistance, I can't recommend Slovakia Matúš enough. Thomas Montuori Director, Connecticut Scuba Academy
Amy Crumpton
Amy Crumpton
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Matus is has been a great resource for us as we transition our business from in-person coaching and leadership services to an online course. We are so grateful for his expertise and support!.Thank your fast feedback and guidance, Matus!
Sarah Foo-Ryland
Sarah Foo-Ryland
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Matus is extremely knowledgeable and is very clear with his explanations. He is very easy to work with, he is flexible and considerate when working in different time zones. He has been instrumental in the design and build of our new online course. He is generous with his time and always a pleasure to work with. I highly recommend him !
Nicole Tillman
Nicole Tillman
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Matus has been excellent to work with. He is responsive and eager to help. We were learning a new platform and he was a resources to help us get started and be there along the way to answer questions and guide us. Thank you Matus!
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